Global organizations in both the private and public sectors came to a standstill earlier this week following a new series of cyberattacks involving ransomware.
This was the second major ransomware outbreak in just two months.
Here is the rundown:
Who was impacted?
The cyberattack was mostly aimed at Eastern Europe, as 60 percent of infections reported to Kaspersky Lab targeted Ukraine. About 30 percent were found in Russia. Denmark, Norway, the U.K., Spain, the U.S. and India were all affected as well.
While this attack had less of a reach than the recent WannaCry ransomware explosion, it still packed a big punch — taking down a Danish shipping company and energy powerhouse, a major Russian oil company, Ukranian government ministries and the former Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Scientists, it should be noted, had to perform manual radiation tests at Chernobyl after the incident.
What was used?
When the news originally broke about the cyberattack, the malware in question was thought to be “Petya,” a type of ransomware that has been in circulation for about a year. Kaspersky, however, believes that the ransomware now in question is actually a new variant.
“Kaspersky Lab’s analysts are investigating the new wave of ransomware attacks targeting organizations across the world,” stated Kaspersky. “Our preliminary findings suggest that it is not a variant of Petya ransomware as publically reported, but a new ransomware that has not been seen before. That is why we have named it NotPetya.”
As of right now, there is no conclusive evidence about where the ransomware originated. It is also being investigated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Europol.
Should you be afraid?
Sorry to say it, but yes.
At this point, the NotPetya ransomware infection doesn’t appear to be spreading much further. But, again, this was the second major global cyberattack involving ransomware in just two months. Attacks are becoming much more frequent, and powerful. Cybercriminals are also becoming better at evading detection.
Here at Apex Technology Services, we tell our customers that you need to plan like you are going to get hit with a ransomware infection. It’s not a matter of if, but when, hackers will break into your network. Your best bet is to set up multiple security layers on your network, and use digital forensics to identify threats on a granular level.
You may not be able to prevent an attack against your organization, but you can ensure that your company has the necessary safeguards in place to prevent malware from cascading throughout your network.
To learn more about how Apex Technology Services can help, click here.
A new breed of hacktrepeneurs has awoken and they have little to fear and everything to gain by infecting as many companies as possible and extorting money from them. Apex Technology Services stands ready to protect your company regardless of whether it’s located in New York City; White Plains, New York; Connecticut; Australia; Europe; or anywhere else. Our full suite of cybersecurity and IT support services is at your disposal, enabling you to spend less time worrying about and more time growing your business.
To ensure your security, consider one of our most popular services — Auditing & Documentation — which pinpoints vulnerabilities in your infrastructure, process flow and internal security procedures.