Digital transformation is not a new term – most of us have remote access to work systems from our phones, homes and laptops. Cloud technology has made it even easier for us to be connected to work systems from any web browser – 24x7.
Typically, while business focuses on increasing efficiency, the government does not. This includes Federal and state governments.
Governments have different priorities and don’t have competitors they need to leapfrog.
The good news is Connecticut is focusing on becoming more efficient and performing its own digital transformation.
“As a CEO, my teams used data to help build better, more efficient and more responsive experiences for our customers, and state government
should be no different,” Governor Lamont (pictured) said. “We’re bringing state government into the 21st century with our technology, but our processes and data collection must keep pace. It’s my goal to make Connecticut one of the nation’s most cost-efficient, data-informed, results-driven states. Taxpayers deserve it and businesses expect it.”
Housed within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and managed in close collaboration with the Office of the Governor, the performance management system will introduce clear priorities and align agency efforts around: jobs and the economy, child and family success, transportation, and community vitality. The performance agenda will also include:
Streamlining digital services: Whether renewing a driver’s license, enrolling in programs, or starting a business, Connecticut residents interact with the state in many ways. Modernizing digital services will mean simple web-based interactions online will begin to replace redundant requests and standing in line.
Linking data to generate cost-saving policy lessons: Homeless individuals with severe mental health challenges can revolve in and out of jails and emergency rooms with unfortunate results and at high cost to the state. By linking jail and emergency room data, the state can reveal the portion of homeless population for which supportive housing would yield savings to the state and better results for our most vulnerable.
Cross-agency collaboration to improve results: Low-income parents face common barriers to completing training programs that increase economic self-sufficiency. By working together, agencies can align childcare, housing and transportation supports with state workforce programs so families can overcome barriers and the state can reduce long-term subsidy.
Governor Lamont has appointed David Wilkinson as Chief Performance Officer to oversee the cross agency initiative. In that position, he will work to advance cross-agency data sharing that increase efficiencies and generate value. He will report to the state’s Chief Operating Officer Paul Mounds and OPM Secretary Melissa McCaw, and also collaborate closely with Department of Administrative Services Commissioner Josh Geballe to help manage state digital transformation efforts that will make state digital services easier to use. Wilkinson most recently served he served as commissioner of the state’s Office of Early Childhood and before that as Director of the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation under President Barack Obama.
Every business needs to evaluate how they do business as well. Are there ways to integrate web services to allow customers and prospects easier access to services and products you sell?
Are there collaboration solutions like workgroup applications, video and conferencing which could enable faster communications within your organization in order to speed-up new product development as well as routine decision-making?
Not every company knows the best way to get started – often it makes sense to hire someone with the expertise – like the Chief Performance Officer in Connecticut or an outsourced IT Services company who are experts in the space.
Either way – if you aren’t embarking on your digital transformation, now is a great time to get started as your competitors likely have.