Everything You Want to Know About Ransomware (But Are Afraid to Ask)
In the news today you see constant updates about global issues like ISIS, Trump vs. Hillary, Zika and the South China Sea conflict. One issue you p…
Read MoreAre You Protecting Your Company's Privileged Accounts?
Not all computer accounts are created equal in your organization. You have a mix of standard accounts, which are for employees across the enterprise, …
Read MoreHave You Backed Up Your Data Lately? Don't Wait for Disaster to Strike!
Disease. Extreme food and water shortages. Natural disasters. Nuclear war. The rise of an evil artificial intelligence. These are just some of the thr…
Read MoreWhere Is Your Company's Cyber Blind Spot?
Your IT staff is fighting tooth and nail to keep your business's network free of unauthorized intruders. They are putting in long hours every day, sca…
Read MoreApex Technology Services Responds to New HIPAA Guidance From US Dept of Health
New York- Apex Technology Services, a leading IT consulting provider for business computer support and managed network services, today responds to new…
Read MoreJustice Is Served in MLB Hack
Baseball is a game built around the art of stealing. Players regularly attempt to steal bases, and signs from opposing coaches. Likewise, fans applaud…
Read MoreRobbers Stole Over $2 Million From ATMs in Taiwan-With Malware
Earlier this week, masked robbers successfully stole more than $2 million from ATMs owned by Taiwan's First Bank.
Read MoreThis Week in Ransomware: One Lies, One is Fail Proof and the Other is Very Cheap
This Week in Ransomware: One Lies, One is Fail Proof and the Other is Very Cheap
Read MoreSecurity Advisory: Say No to Pokemon GO in the Office
Take a look around your building today and you're bound to see countless people walking around with their heads down, staring at their phones. The maj…
Read MoreWhat Exactly Is North Korea Up To?
With so much happening in the news this week, it's easy to overlook the developing story surrounding U.S. sanctions on North Korea. But from a cyberse…
Read MoreThis Is Cyber War...Is Your Business Protected?
We were pretty disheartened to read a recent BBC article which declared that criminals are indeed winning the "cyber arms race." Last year in the UK, …
Read MoreShould Businesses Be Liable for Damages Following a Hack?
From a cybersecurity perspective, it's been a tough year for the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. This week, the company announced its s…
Read MoreNoodles & Company Serves Customers a Data Security Incident Notice
"Fast-casual" restaurant chain Noodles & Company made headlines this week when the company revealed it was the victim of a large data breach.
Read MoreThree Easy Things Your Employees Can Do to Protect Organizational Data
You alone lack the power to single-handedly stop a data breach in your enterprise. It's just too big of a responsibility. In fact, even your IT staff …
Read MoreIoT and Network Security: The Threat Is Real, Folks
Let me tell you about my friend John, who owns a medium-sized business and is very excited about the Internet of Things (IoT).
Read MoreFBI: Beware New Email Scam
Put your staff on full alert: Last week, the FBI posted a notice warning about a rapidly spreading email scam which, to date, has resulted in the atte…
Read MoreDon't Wait For 'The West' to Stop Hackers
It's official: The recent hack of the Democratic National Committee was carried out jointly by hackers with close ties to the Russian government and a…
Read MoreCitrix GoToMYPC Reminds us of the Insecurity of the Cloud
Cloud computing is a very broad term… It's a collection of servers and server farms being hosted by someone else. Almost every day, someone asks us, i…
Read MoreHow to Remove Ransomware
The best way to protect your company is to hire an outside IT firm from the start, to minimize your risk
Read MoreThis Cyberextortion Tactic Is Even Scarier Than Ransomware
Over the past few months, we have been harping about the perils of a new type of malware called ransomware, which allows hackers to break into private…
Read MoreYou Won't Believe How Much Ransomware Pays
Ransomware-a type of malware that holds private information hostage until a payment is made-continues to be one of the most damaging cybersecurity thr…
Read MoreYour Network Could Already Be Full of Intruders
Right now, you and your team are actively working to prevent a data breach in your network. The truth, though, is that the damage may have already bee…
Read More5 Billion New Reasons Your Company Will Be Hacked
Thanks to the last four weeks, your company is more likely to be attacked today than ever and the reason is very simple. Over the last month, MySpace,…
Read MoreFive Signs You're a Sitting Duck For an Insider Data Breach
Take a walk through your office, and look at your employees. One of these people could very well be the cause of a disastrous data breach in your orga…
Read MoreYour Business Is Under Cyberattack. What Are You Going to Do About it?
As you read this, scores of hackers are barraging your network looking for ways to defraud your business.
Read MoreThree Reasons Why Every Law Firm Should Seek Cybersecurity Compliance
Three Reasons Why Every Law Firm Should Seek Cybersecurity Compliance
Read MoreWillie Sutton Would be a Ransomware Hacker
Ransomware hackers know businesses are really where the money is
Read MoreWant to Avoid Ransomware Complications? Read This
Let's pretend that one of your employees replies to a phishing email, infecting his or her computer with ransomware in the process. The ransomware has…
Read MoreThe SoNo Collection Clears Major Hurdle
Move over, Stamford: Norwalk may very well soon become the new shopping epicenter of Fairfield County pending construction of a new mall, which is now…
Read More10 Healthcare Cybersecurity Stats That Will Make Your Jaw Drop
With so many high-profile data breaches in the news these days, it's easy to become desensitized to cybercrime, and to dismiss the possibility of an a…
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